Dolphin has a wide range of reports that can help you collect data to run your business more efficiently. In this article we will compare and contrast three reports:
1. Staff Conversion report (CRM)
2. Booking Status report (CRM)
3. Cost Quote Conversion report (Statistics Reports)
The purpose of these reports is to provide data on conversion rates, but from different angles. Each report works slightly different to the others and also displays the (sometimes same) data in a different way. By comparing them, you will be able to determine which one is more appropriate depending on the receiver of the report, frequency of the report, etc..
Remember that all reports are available within Standard and Advanced Reports. However, if you need to manipulate the output of the reports and/or save changes to the filters, you will need to use advanced reports.
1. Staff Conversion Report
If you use Dolphin to create cost quote folders take a look at the Staff Conversion Report.
This sits in the CRM report type and provides a visual view of the following data:
- Top Staff Quotes vs Conversions – a bar chart to show quotes vs conversion per staff member
- Top Staff Bookings – a bar chart to show the number of bookings per staff member
- Top Sellers Commission – a pie chart to show the folder commission per staff member
This report is geared towards people that are interested only in seeing a snapshot of staff conversion rates, top staff and top sellers without looking at the data (such as number of folders and/or passengers, destinations, etc.) that sit behind the charts.
2. Booking Status Report
This report also sits in the CRM report type and provides a visual view along with the supporting data of all bookings within a specified date range.
This report displays:
- a bar chart including all the bookings divided by folder status (Status Pipeline): this is particularly useful to travel companies using folder statuses to track each stage of the folder's lifecycle. (For more information on folder status, click here).
- a line chart comparing quotes vs booking on a monthly basis. Note: Select the Show Details checkbox to drill further into the folder detail.
3. Cost Quote Conversion Report
This report sits in the Statistics Reports type. All initial enquiry folders appear on the left of the report and all confirmed folders on the right, sub-totalled by Folder Initial Enquiry Staff Code.
This report can be used by managers to gather statistical information on any aspect of the travel folder including folder destination, staff code or travel date. You can use Edit Subtotals to sort the data.
Where applicable, after you click on Edit Subtotals the Top N feature will allow you to change the subtotals to data more relevant (for example, by destination or top five destinations).
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