Dolphin allows you to print or email documents such as booking confirmations, itineraries, and invoices directly from a travel folder. All these document types use a similar structure: they display the passengers' list, the full itinerary, and the deposit/balance information. These documents can be configured to include company logos, default footer text, subject line and email body text.
It is also possible to print and/or email your own customised letters from a travel folder. This type of document will not include the passengers, itinerary or deposit/balance information. It has multiple uses such as welcome home letters or balance reminders, without the noise of itinerary or pricing details. Dolphin administrators can setup letter templates to also include your logos helping to ensure consistency throughout your business.
Customer letter template configuration is a one-time job, which can then be used by all your staff to communicate with your customers.
Configuration Steps:
There are two parts to configuration. Firstly creating the empty template document. Secondly creating the content for both the letter and the body of the email (should the letter be emailed)
- Launch the BMM application, and from the top menu select Options > Documents. If this option is greyed out for you, contact your Dolphin administrator who will need to tweak your security settings.
- You will display the Document Search dialog:
In the Document Type field, type: %booking conf% or %quotation%.
In the Alternative Type field, type: normal.
You can create customisable letter templates only as alternative types of the customer booking confirmation and customer quotation document types.
- Retrieve the record and you will display the Document Setup dialog:
Copy the File path and then select the Edit button.
- You will display the Document Alternative Search dialog:
In the Name field, delete “normal” and select the Add button.
- You will display the Add Document Alternative dialog: in the Name field, type the title of the customisable letter template. For example: Welcome home letter or Balance reminder.
Select OK, close the Document Alternative Search dialog and then the Document Setup dialog.
- In the Document Search dialog, search for the new alternative type you just created by entering a key word in the Alternative Type For example:
Remember to deselect the Hide Inactive Document Alternatives checkbox as at this stage the new document sub-type is inactive (because the document file path field is still empty).
- Retrieve the document record: the File path field is empty.
- Paste the path you copied from the Booking confirmation:
- You need to alter the file path to be able to configure a customer letter and you need to ensure the path is correct so that it will print. The customisable letter template file is called FolderLetterDoc, this should replace the file name quoteconfanditin or quoteandconfdoc.
This is an example of the original path: \\qaws10\r201\document\quoteconfanditin.rpt
This is an example of the altered path to generate a customisable letter: \\qaws10\r201\document\FolderLetterDoc.rpt
- In the General tab > Other Settings area, ensure the Suppress Resale Split Comm checkbox is deselected.
- In the Footer Text and Email Body tab you can enter the default text to display.
- The footer text section will be the body of the document. The template will pull through the header image, customer address and folder owner (if enabled).
- The email body field is used only when the document is emailed, and as described forms the body of the email to which the letter is attached.
*** Mail merge tags will also bring massive efficiencies to your letter template. Please check this out here.
- Select OK and close the Document Search.
- To generate a customer letter, open a folder and select the Booking Confirmation button: you will display the title of the customer letter template in the list of Types to print on the left-hand side:
If you wish to generate the customer letter, ensure the Copies is set to 1 on only that document type on the left-hand side and then select Window (to check the document first or print it on paper) or Email (to attach the customer letter to an email).
Below is the Footer Text configuration within the Document Setup
We hope that you enjoyed your recent trip to [DESTINATION] and made lots of happy memories that will last forever.
We currently have some exciting offers on many destinations around the world that will make you feel like packing your suitcases again soon!
When you get some time, do not hesitate to call us on [BRANCH_PHONE] or email [BRANCH_EMAIL] to find out more.
As a returning customer, we would like to offer you a 10% discount, however this offer is only available for bookings made by the 31st of October 2022.
Kind regards,
Below is the printed welcome home letter:
Just as for all document types, every time a document is generated (printed or emailed) from a folder, there is a record of this action in the folder History tab.
If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact our Support Team at
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