Affected Areas: | BMM vendor profile searching |
Useful For: | Users who search for vendor profiles in BMM |
Introduced In: | V20.065 |
Feature ID: | 165754 |
It is now possible to search for vendor profiles using city name.
The city name can be entered in full or part (e.g. Las Vegas or Las) and BMM will look for all vendors with a city name starting with the value entered.
Users can also search using wild cards (e.g. %las), which will return all vendors containing "las" somewhere in the city name.
Previously, it was only possible to search for vendor profiles by vendor name, three letter city code (e.g. BCN), interface code and internal ID.
Example one: Searching by City Name "Las"
The vendor search will return all vendors with City Name starting with "Las":
Example two: Searching by City Name %las
The vendor search will return all vendor profiles with "las veg" within the city name field: e.g. Glasgow, Las Vegas, Comillas:
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