This feature enables users to apply their own branding to the booking management module at branch level by setting a colour scheme of their choosing for the whole application.
It can be accessed via Options > Branch Details and selecting the Branding tab, from where it is possible to select colours for the various buttons, tabs, windows & frames, as well as the text within these areas. The main background colour can also be changed & a background image/logo can be applied.
Branch Details Branding tab (no branding):
When the Enable Branding check box is ticked, all of the fields & their drop down menus will be enabled, and a deafult set of colours will be applied.
Branch Details Branding tab (default branding):
Any of the colours can be changed by expanding the applicable drop down. The user can then choose from a small selection of popular colours displayed in a pop-up window, or they can select the Other button to open a new 'Colors'** pop-up allowing a greater choice of colours from a honeycomb display. For even greater flexibility the Custom tab can be selected in the 'Colors'** pop-up, from where the user can navigate around the colour palette and also scroll up & down the bar to select the luminence.
Colour selection options accessible from the drop down:
Selecting OK will then save the changes for that branch, and the new colour scheme will be visible to users logging in with a staff code which has that branch set as their home branch.
Example of Branch Details Branding tab with new colour scheme:
Example of Travel Folder with new colour scheme:
Example of main background with new colour & background image:
A colour scheme can be cleared at any time via the Branding tab in Branch Details, either by clicking the Reset to Defaults button or by unticking the Enable Branding check box.
** US English spelling applied here to reflect the spelling used by the Microsoft colour selection tool.
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