Dolphin's Task List offers a simple way for sales staff to keep track of their bookings to ensure that important payment and ticketing deadlines are met.
As an example, here we have a task list profile called My Bookings, which has been set up to keep track of customer and vendor payment due dates and ticket deadlines. It has five workflow queries filtered by User Only so each staff member will only see their own travel folders in the task list, and some of the more common columns have been selected to display certain details:
The workflow queries are set up as follows:
Ticket Deadline - this will show bookings where tickets have an issue date set to today but no ticket number has been entered:
Customer Deposit Pmt - this will show bookings where a customer deposit amount greater than 0 is due to be paid today:
Customer Balance Pmt - this will show bookings where a customer balance amount greater than 0 is due to be paid today:
Vendor Deposit Pmt - this will show bookings where a vendor deposit amount greater than 0 is due to be paid today:
Vendor Balance Pmt - this will show bookings where a vendor balance amount greater than 0 is due to be paid today:
Here we have the task list for a staff member assigned to the My Bookings profile, with an example folder for each query. At the time of writing the current date is 21SEP23:
Let's now look at the travel folders in turn.
Folder HQ55606 has a customer deposit amount of 250.00 due today:
Folder HQ55607 has a customer balance amount of 1607.00 due today:
Folder HQ55608 has a vendor deposit amount of 200.00 due today:
Folder HQ55609 has a vendor balance amount of 389.05 due today:
Folder 55611 has a ticket with an issue date set to today and the ticket number is still set to OPEN:
Only by actioning the bookings or changing the due dates will the records disappear from the Task List. A tweak to the date clause in the queries to use "Before Or Including Today" instead of "Equal To Today" will ensure the records will remain visible in the task list going forward until the appropriate action is taken.
Click here and sign in for more general information about the Task List and to download a copy of our Task List Guide
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