If your company's profit is based on a fee structure of fixed rules, you can rely on the pricing engine to automate these rules. This way you will know that your fees will always apply correctly.
In our example, the three rules we want to create apply to different item types. Therefore, we can group them under the same category, see example below:
Below are our examples of pricing engine rules that calculate different fees depending on the item type (hotel, car hire, etc.).
Example 1 - £25 per Hotel booking
These are the basic conditions to use, but bear in mind that more conditions are available (for example, Folder Branch Code):
and this is the action that will take place if all conditions are met:
Example 2 - £15 per Domestic Air Ticket
These are the conditions to apply a fee per domestic air ticket:
and this is the action that will take place if all above conditions are met:
If you wanted to create a rule to calculate £25 per international ticket, you could copy this rule and make these changes:
1. Update the rule name: for best practice the rule name needs to be meaningful
2. Set the condition Item Is Domestic Travel to False
3. Use another Product Code for the fee
4. Update the Sell Amt/Unit for the international ticket fee
5. If you wish to apply a different fee per passenger type, you can configure the fee as per below example:
Example 3- £15 per Transfer Booking
These are the basic conditions:
and this is the action that will take place if all conditions are met:
Please note that these are only sample rules and you might need to tweak them depending on how you enter each item pricing information.
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